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1633 Valencia



 In partnership with the San Francisco Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) and Dolores Street Community Services (DSCS), Mercy Housing California (MHC) is proposing to build up to 145 new homes for persons experiencing, or at-risk of, homelessness in San Francisco.


Previously, HAF partnered with MHC to develop Tahanan, click here for more info, the first “Homes for the Homeless” permanent supportive housing at Bryant Street in SoMa District of San Francisco. Completed 

in 2021, the project reduced the time


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Rendering of 1633 Valencia.

and cost of producing housing by using streamlined entitlement processes, creative financing, new technology, and innovative design. The Homes for the Homeless Fund initiative was made possible through the philanthropic support of Tipping Point Community.


  • six-story building with145 affordable studio homes

  • apartment rents tailored to households at 30-60% Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development Area Median Income range ($29,100 to $58,200 according to SF area median income limits for 2022.)

  • onsite property management services

  • community and open spaces for residential use

  • ground floor property management and service offices


  • Dolores Street Community Services will provide case management.

  • Resident services will be provided by Mercy Housing California. 


  • MHC, DSCS, and HAF are committed to a robust and meaningful community engagement process. We include community members in the development process through a variety of means, including meeting with neighbors, neighborhood associations, organizational leaders, and local BIPOC and LGBTQ+ organizations, as well as sharing written and electronic communications. In observance of health guidelines related to COVID-19, MHC will solicit input through both virtual and in-person meetings, email, regular mail, and the project website at​


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Rendering of 1633 Valencia from Valencia Street. 



  • Construction will begin in Spring 2024 

  • Lease up is expected to begin in Fall 2025 

  • Construction completion is expected in Winter 2025


For any inquiries, questions, comments or to get updates on the project, please fill out this short form. 

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© 2020 Mercy Housing California

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